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Lockdown/ corona virus..

Writer: H💋llie CampbellH💋llie Campbell

“Exercise is key for mental and physical health”
Its April 2020.. Strangest year to date, we are in lockdown four weeks now and it’s tough. Gyms are closed, many of us haven’t worked in weeks but we have got to remain positive. No gym? No problem.  Workout at home, my boyfriend & I have been doing videos of exercises over on our instagrams daily to keep our fitness levels up.  (Viliusv_pt) (hollie_campbell) Join in when you can.

Exercise is obviously good for physical appearance but for our mental health it is even more beneficial.  We release endorphins that instantly improve our mood and mindset.Circumstances have changed for many of us and we have had to adapt to home workouts it’s hard to get motivated and keep interested but stick on the videos, put your gym gear on and let’s all do it together.  Grab your boyfriend, sister, mother etc and make it into a challenge.

The weather is getting better and my dog is enjoying these extra walks. I’m looking forward to summer, brighter evenings and longer days.  I have took a big interest in the garden lately and shocked myself how much I’m enjoying it. All these little things are great for our overall health, take up a new interest, try something different like myself in the garden.  I find when we are exercising we get into a good routine with foods too and we all know they go side by side for results. We will be doing upper body, lower body and ab workouts every second day and we will change it up as much as possible so come along and join us over on Instagram and let’s get fit for summer. Feel free to message me with any questions also, I’m happy to get back to you.
Take care,
Hollie xxx


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