#hashtag H💋llie
There is only one topic in everyone’s head, Christmas. I was going to chat all about fashion and style and the gorgeous cosy jumpers and dresses i have been stalking on line but that’s everywhere it’s all over the internet it’s on every bill board and magazine, style and fashion is everywhere we look.
So I’m going to talk about something a little different, not to take away the happy joyfulness of Christmas but I can’t help but mention the less fortunate than ourselves which at this time of year we really need to help out.
I have a highlight on my Instagram (hollie_campbell) that I have saved the local places you can drop off boxes of food, clothes, toys etc anything at all and every bit helps. I did this for the first time last year and honestly it was so rewarding and made me feel so good over Christmas knowing there is a child getting a toy or warm Jamie’s on Christmas Day. On Christmas Day you can also leave a dinner to the gate way club in Newry were volunteers divide the dinners up to feed the homeless people in our area on Christmas Day. An extra pair of socks from penny’s and a meal that will probably be left over in your home Christmas Day could make someone’s Christmas.

So this year let’s consider how cold, wet, lonely, sad and hungry some people are, be grateful for what we have and who we have and finally lets give back. I will list the types of food and clothes most needed eg dry foods, cereals etc so they don’t go out of date quickly.
Thank you for reading and let’s look forward to a positive, healthy and successful 2020. I can’t wait to get into all things health & fitness in January. Have a great and safe Christmas & new year.
H💋llie xxx